Apple TV 4 Jailbreak guide
  • Mac Computer
  • AppleTV 4 (ver 9.0)
  • USB-Type C cable
  • Xcode
Apple development membership
Sample data:
BundleID com.sample.tvjb
Certificate common name “iPhone Developer: test (ALI766JXB5)”
Apple TV 4 UDID e5e2c931d4a94ecf71e12a88b0b4579b
Download the from and extract. This will create a folder, containing the application components.
Acquire Apple TV 4 UDID

Launch Xcode, navigate to Windows->Device, Choose your connected apple TV device.

Find the device UDID (a long hexadecimal string) and record it. You will need to it for the next step, which registers your device with Apple and creates a provisioning profile.

Register device

Login to your account on apple developer center, and register your device udid (obtained in the previous step) to Devices by open the following URL: If you have multiple apple tv devices, you will need to register all devices.

Register new App IDs

Open the following URL to register a new App ID for the TV device:
The sample ID is com.sample.tvjb

Generate mobile provision file

Visit the url:
Choose tvOS App Development, click next, and choose your developer certificate.

On the device selection page, choose all your Apple TVs you want to jailbreak.

Download the file and save to the atvjb folder, renaming it to embedded.mobileprovision.

Query team id and common name

Open Keychain Access app, select “Certificates” in the Category section, and open the property page of your developer certificate.

In the figure, A will be your common name iPhone Developer: test (ALI766JXB5) , B will be your team ID 93AA45BBCC.

Launch install script

You're now ready to install! You may either use Xcode's Windows->Device, by creating an ipa from the application folder, and then pressing "+" and selecting the newly created IPA.
Alternatively, use our script, which expects the following syntax: <udid> <bundleid> <team id> <common name id>
e.g.: e5e2c931d4a94ecf71e12a88b0b4579b com.sample.tvjb 93AA45BBCC "iPhone Developer: test (ALI766JXB5)"

The jailbreak app will install to your Apple TV.

Click PANGU app to launch jailbreak, wait a few seconds.. and your device will be jailbroken!

Now, you can connect your device by ssh (port 22), which will launch dropbear (an SSHd clone) on the TV. It’s a good idea to change the default password (alpine), and/or add a host key to /var/root/.ssh/authorized_keys.

⦁ For multiple Apple TV devices

If you have multiple Apple TV devices, please register all device in step 2 and choose all device to prepare provision file in step 4.
After step 6, the script will generate an IPA file in order to install. Remember you can always deploy the IPA files using XCode, or iFunBox (Windows)

Version:1.3.2   Size:81.7MB Version:1.1.1   Size:74.3M Version:1.0.0   Size:9.3M
for iOS 9.0 - 9.1
Please make a full backup before jailbreak

1. Preparations for jailbreak.

Please backup your device before using Pangu. Although we have successfully tested Pangu with a number of devices, we strongly suggest you backup your data via iTunes before jailbreak.

In order to increase the success rate, please switch your device to airplane mode, and disable passcode and “find my iPhone” functions in system setting.

2. Unable to jailbreak devices that are upgraded via OTA

The firmware upgraded via OTA affects Pangu 9 a lot and usually causes Pangu 9 to fail. If you have failed many times, please try to download the latest firmware and restore your iOS devices.

In addition, Pangu itself now provides a functionality to easily restore iOS devices and automatically complete the activation and jailbreak, through a simple one-click.

3. the warning of "Disk is almost full".

This is because during the jailbreaking process, Pangu will write some important files into the system partition and lead to this warning. However, it will not affect your device. If Cydia is installed, it will re-adjust the system files on its first launch and then the warning would disappear.

4. Suggestions after several failed attempts

1. Please switch to the airplane mode, try again.

2. Please reboot both your iOS devices as well as your computer, and try again.

3. Please use the restore functionality in Pangu to restore your device, and try again.

more questions?

Team Pangu consists of several senior security researchers and focuses on mobile security research.

Team Pangu is known for the multiple releases of jailbreak tools for iOS 7 and iOS 8 in 2014.

Team Pangu proactively shares knowledge with the community and presents the latest research at well known security conferences including BlackHat, CanSecWest, and Ruxcon.

  • Thanks Apple for bringing us great products
  • Thanks the jailbreak community
  • Thanks open source projects such as libimobiledevice and Duilib.
  • Special thanks to: @saurik   @qwertyoruiop   @iH8sn0w
  • Pangu Jailbreak V1.3.0 used a kernel bug from Lokihardt to exploit iOS 9.1, and the bug is patched in iOS 9.2. Thanks Lokihardt for helping!

Copyright © 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved

Version:1.3.2   Size:81.7MB
Version:1.1.1   Size:74.3M
Version:1.0.0   Size:9.3M
for iOS 9.0 - 9.1
Please make a full backup before jailbreak

1. Preparations for jailbreak.

Please backup your device before using Pangu. Although we have successfully tested Pangu with a number of devices, we strongly suggest you backup your data via iTunes before jailbreak.

In order to increase the success rate, please switch your device to airplane mode, and disable passcode and “find my iPhone” functions in system setting.

2. Unable to jailbreak devices that are upgraded via OTA

The firmware upgraded via OTA affects Pangu 9 a lot and usually causes Pangu 9 to fail. If you have failed many times, please try to download the latest firmware and restore your iOS devices.

In addition, Pangu itself now provides a functionality to easily restore iOS devices and automatically complete the activation and jailbreak, through a simple one-click.

3. the warning of "Disk is almost full".

This is because during the jailbreaking process, Pangu will write some important files into the system partition and lead to this warning. However, it will not affect your device. If Cydia is installed, it will re-adjust the system files on its first launch and then the warning would disappear.

4. Suggestions after several failed attempts

1. Please switch to the airplane mode, try again.

2. Please reboot both your iOS devices as well as your computer, and try again.

3. Please use the restore functionality in Pangu to restore your device, and try again.

more questions?

Team Pangu consists of several senior security researchers and focuses on mobile security research.

Team Pangu is known for the multiple releases of jailbreak tools for iOS 7 and iOS 8 in 2014.

Team Pangu proactively shares knowledge with the community and presents the latest research at well known security conferences including BlackHat, CanSecWest, and Ruxcon.

    • Thanks Apple for bringing us great products
    • Thanks the jailbreak community
    • Thanks open source projects such as libimobiledevice and Duilib.
    • Special thanks to: @saurik   @qwertyoruiop   @iH8sn0w
    • The kernel bug of Pangu 9.1 jailbreak is from Lokihardt which is patched in 9.2. Thanks Lokihardt for helping!

Copyright © 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved